An International Forum to Contribute Your Research

Our Journals:

Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities (ISSN: 1092-910X)
Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities

Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities is primarily aimed at targeting high quality (peer-reviewed) research articles on the current and most recent developments in nonlinear variational/hemivariational problems and their applications to applied mathematics, economics, mathematical finance, mathematical programming, optimization and control theory, unilateral mechanics, partial differential equations, and others.

Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis (ISSN: 1074-133X)
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis

Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis is an international journal devoted to publish high quality (peer-reviewed) investigations in all areas of nonlinear mathematical sciences (including control theory and optimization), mathematical physics and their applications - valid mathematical models of great importance and significant real world problems with some data analysis to academic fields as well as to the science and industry.